Monday, December 17, 2012

Pippin (for the last time)

Alright, I know I've posted a lot recently about Pippin but this is the last time I promise. This weekend was our three and only performances and they were all fantastic. There were a few mistakes in each one of course but overall the shows were amazing. We sold out all three nights which was fantastic to see a full house every time I looked into the audience.

Going onstage, especially opening night, was extremely nerve-wracking but also exciting. Once I got through half of my first song at the very beginning, the nerves went away. I can't really explain the awesomeness of the show in words it's something you had to have seen.

The past 2.5 years have been such an amazing experience and I'm so lucky to have been given this opportunity with this amazing group of people. There are fifteen of us which means we've only lost one person whereas most other conservatories lose five or six. Everyone in the cast has such an incredible personality and even though the show is over we'll all keep in touch and do shows together and meet up a few times per year.

All this past summer and this school year so far I had the plan to do a sport all three seasons (golf in the fall, track in the winter, and track in the spring) but now I realize that I thought this because I figured I'd still have conservatory to give me some aspect of theater. Since it's over I think a good balance will be doing the school musical, Into the Woods, in the spring. It would be a good balance having two seasons of sports and one of theater and maybe I'll do a show over the summer, who knows.

Here are just some pictures of me with some of the cast members before and after the show, and also a few all cast photos:

This is me (Leading Player, bottom left), Rees (Pippin, top left), Everleigh (Fastrada, top right), and Sydney (Louise, bottom right) on our journey to Starbucks before our final performance:

This is me and Rees after our last show: 

This is me, Zoe, Everleigh, Hannah, Olivia, and Sydney after our show (there are a few tears because it was our last performance):

This is me as Leading Player and Gill as Catherine before our second show:

This is our entire cast just smiling:

This is a slightly more representative picture of our group:

And finally, this is a picture of the Musical Theater Class of 2012 as our characters from Pippin:

I love each and every one of these people more than I ever would have thought and I'm so excited to have future adventures with them :)

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