Sunday, December 9, 2012

Pippin! (again)

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about Pippin, the show that I'm in as part of the Musical Theater Conservatory at Imagination Stage. This week is our last week rehearsing until the show opens on Friday so our tech week started today and we have rehearsal today, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Tech week is just where instead of running through the show completely we focus primarily on where the lights are and when the sounds come in and how the scenes change smoothly. We only got through about a third of the show today cause we had to stop multiple times in each scene but tomorrow we're finishing finding the lighting cues. That will leave Tuesday and Thursday for us to run through the show completely with all of the lights and sounds that are supposed to be there. Since this was part of tech week, we got to wear our costumes and makeup for the rehearsal which made me extremely happy and really excited because of how stellar my costume is. I'll explain it in some detail now. For a base top I have a pinkish-reddish and silver diagonally striped long sleeve shirt and for base bottoms I just have red leggings and jazz shoes. On the top next I have a black cropped sweatshirt with the arms cut off and silver spiked shoulder pads (I always have the hood on). Then I put on a skinny black tie and a leather collar with silver studs on it around my neck. Next there's a thick black waist belt with silver studs and another belt that's the same type as the seat belts on an airplane with old bottle caps on it. Now for my pants it's a bit hard to describe first they were just wide red and black tie-dyed jeans but then our ridiculously artsy and amazing costume designer cut out the part by my knee and put in a few leather straps so that those straps are the only things holding up the bottom part of my pants. That's my entire costume for everything except the last two scenes when I become more sinister and dawn a black opera cape. For my makeup it's black paint in two triangles facing down around my eyes and a black painted on smile sort of like the Joker's.

Here's a picture:
How great is that?! I absolutely love everything about my costume and I'm more excited for this show than I have been for anything else.

Come see the show this weekend, buy tickets here!

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